School screenings
Pedagogically valuable films regularly make it into our programme, which can be integrated excellently into the school curriculum or can offer valuable education even without this framework. In the following list you will find current and upcoming films that are particularly suitable for student screenings. Of course, it is possible for all film titles to have a student screening at special conditions.
School screenings are to be understood as an educational event, i.e. the performances are usually played without an intermission and without consumption.
If you are interested in a student screening, please contact us at
Release date: 29 February 2024
By Jonathan Glazer, with Christian Friedel, Sandra Hüller, Ralph Herforth, Maximilian Beck.
The commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, and his wife Hedwig, strive to build a dream life for their family in a house and garden next to the camp.
Release date: 14 March 2024
By Christopher Zalla, with Eugenio Derbez, Daniel Haddad, Jennifer Trejo.
ho will the sixth grade students at Jose Urbina Lopez Elementary in Matamoros become? They are among the worst performing students in Mexico, the world they know is one of violence and hardship, and their classrooms are dominated by an atmosphere of overbearing discipline, not possibility. It might seem like a dead end... but it is also the perfect place for new teacher Sergio Juarez to try something different. There's just one problem: Sergio has no idea what he's doing.
Release date: 18 April 2024
By Aldo Gugolz, with Franz Hohler, Big Zis.
SYNOPSIS AVAILABLE IN GERMAN ONLY - Tauche ein „zmitzt“ in die faszinierende Welt unseres Dialekts und entdecke, warum er trotz der Globalisierung weiterhin blüht. Vor 160 Jahren, während des “Eisenbahnzeitalters”, fürchtete die Deutschschweiz den Verlust ihres Dialekts zugunsten des Hochdeutschen. Doch heute erleben wir das Gegenteil – der Dialekt bleibt lebendig und vielfältig.
Begegne herausragenden Mundartkünstlerinnen und Künstlern wie Franz Hohler und Big Zis. Sie und andere Personen aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Musik und Dörfern setzen sich im Film OMEGÄNG auf einzigartige und akribische Weise mit unserem Dialekt auseinander. Von Bühnen über Kellerräume bis zu den majestätischen Alpen – diese Menschen alle tragen dazu bei, dass unsere Sprache weiterhin gedeiht.