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Seehof 041 726 10 01
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The Ones We Love

Your favourite movie on the big screen!

The next dates at the Kino Seehof, Zug have already been set:

02 June - Voting open until 14 April 2024!
30 June

Do you want to see your favourite films on the big screen? Then vote now and help bring them to the cinema - "cinema on demand" so to speak.

Suggest a film

With The Ones We Love, you can help bring your favourite films back to the cinema for one or more screenings. You can either choose a film already available on the platform or suggest your own film.

Proposed films are checked within 24 hours and released for all users if everything fits. You can then promote your film on social media and the like.


When a voting takes place, the date, time and cinema for the screening are already fixed (for the Kino Seehof, Zug, see below). Until the countdown runs out, you can and should vote diligently. You can vote as often as you like, but only once per film and city.

Look for the ones you love under Alle Filme and vote like crazy! And you're sure to have lots of friends who would love to watch the film with you. You know what to do!


The film that is in first place after the countdown has ended will be shown. The screening can then be booked here at The screenings are not only reserved for voters. They are of course open to all interested cinema-goers. The more the merrier!

If you have voted, you will be informed by e-mail from The Ones We Love as soon as the film has been selected.